Monday, 2 September 2013

How To Achieve Blogging Success Even If You Are a Dummy


Guide To Achieve Blogging Success For Dummies

Be "Honest" In Writing Your Blog Post
You might have already heard that from many blogs and people around you. You might have already written that way without much success. But, the chances are more if you remain that way in the long term. Google always wants to improve user experience and so they will always on the look-out for better quality and unique content. But you may feel that �Quality is King� kind of articles can be written only by experts, English literates and grammatically strong. 

This is true to some extent, but don�t dishearten with such type of attitude. Each �Individual Attitude is Unique�. So your writing style varies from all those top niche blog writers. You just need to be yourself. 

It�s just like writing a descriptive examination. When you write an answer for a topic like social studies, you will read a few books and finally write it in your own words in the exam. But who gets the most marks? Well, it depends on various factors. Presentation is important, but at the same time �correct� content too! I�m not talking about those University exams where you can pass for any scrap answer. But if the education system is right in all merits then only the �quality� answer will get top marks. Same applies to Google rankings.

Even though you are not the best, you can be hard working and smart to move forward. So when you right that blog post with an �honest� attitude you can rank somewhere in Google. Another important point! Listen carefully! You will create a �brand� for yourself. Nobody has reached the top and sustain themselves for long with a magic wand in Google�s rankings. Only top budget publishers with lot of money can ponder over all those SEO tools which bring top rankings for targeted keywords in their niche.

So what happens to the common blogger and small business owners? Is Google solely for the rich and not for the average individuals? If that�s the case it might have deemed its own downfall. It might be its business strategy, but it�s like common politics. Unless there is something for the common �netizen� Google has to shut down its doors. Only hope and �true� popularity will keep it going. 

Myths may come and vanish which may bring sudden peak results, but to sustain for long time you need to have that balance between �myth� and �reality�. Big companies make money with such myths, but a common individual blogger as to go that extra mile to reach his goal.

Don't Waste Too Much Time On SEO
Though Google�s quality guidelines are not that detailed from an algorithmic point of view, you can have an abstract idea of what it wants. This will be clearer if you observe Google first page rankings for some keywords in your niche. Some rank for their domain authority but out of those ten rankings, there will be at least one common blog with its �true� intentions. 

Success Is Only A Virtue and It Never Ends
Same applies to blogging. With all those Panda and Penguin updates your traffic may be doing roller-coast riding from time to time. But if you have followed those quality standards above, you will definitely able to reap those rich benefits in the long run. So if you have that satisfied feeling when you get that success at one point of time and don�t cry when you lost, it will be smooth journey. 

Buying crap internet marketing tools is what naive people do. It can be in US, Canada or India. It�s always the same. If there is someone to be cheated there will be always someone to cheat. You may try to get quick money and may be successful, but that�s not the case with everybody. If you want to reach that pinnacle in your niche you have to follow those �honest� ways in blogging. 

Once again I repeat that, you need not be a John Chow or English expert to present your ideas. With experience, hard-work, intelligent thinking and patience you can reap rich dividends in blogging. My blogging results are not still completely in my support. But this is what stories of experienced bloggers like Harsh Agarwal, Jane Sheeba and Amit Agarwal show us as our case studies.

Earning money only comes natural with little bit of marketing. I�m not saying that you completely shun all those SEO tools and forget keyword research, link building to become number one. I�m only saying that the core idea is to be �honest� and then go with a clear mind. Research, Research, Research. You have to be a voracious reader to accomplish your goal. Some may have reached it more easily, but for some it�s the long �hard-work� and �analysis� ladder. 

This is one �honest� post I have written since I started blogging in 2009. With the changing SEO scenario in 2013, only �white-hat� techniques will remain to rank you well. Though spam will rise to mislead Google, but it will catch up with time. It is only you to decide whether you want to be that good, slow, successful and satisfied blogger or a sudden millionaire with no-satisfaction. Nothing is constant but change. 

About The Guest Author

My name is Palla Sridhar (a.k.a Palla Ramarao) under various social profiles. Palla Ramarao is my father's name. I sometimes blog under the name of my nephew Karri Avinash. I completed Masters in Civil Engineering from IIT Kanpur, INDIA. I worked for various software companies like TCS, Miracle, EDIS etc for various clients like AIG, Prudential Insurance, Toy's R Us etc.

My Blogging experience is of 4 years. I have worked on several blog tools like Blogger, Wordpress, Plugins, Themes, Templates, SEO Tools etc.

One of his latest blog posts in on Windows 8.1 desktop app.


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