Previously, we've completed the discussion about backlinks or external links and now it's time to understand and improve the internal linking of your blog. As I told you that backlinks are most important for your blog and internal linking is also important because internal linking gives us many benefits to make our blog more search engine friendly and in many things. Internal linking is not so difficult if we compare it to external link building. This is really easy and it can be done in few clicks if you've understood this well. So friends, let's discuss first that what is internal linking and it's benefits then I'll teach you that how you can improve it.
What is Internal Linking In SEO?
Internal links are those hyperlinks which are pointed to another page or content with same domain name. In other words, connecting each and every web page in your whole blog/site is known as internal linking. These links can be added in the menu, content, sidebar or anywhere in your blog/site. See the main image of the post in which you can see that all the pages are connected with each other.
Why To Do Internal Linking? - Benefits
Internal linking is also important like increasing backlinks. There are several benefits of this and let me explain these all. Internal linking will help the search engine's crawler to crawl all the pages or posts of your blog. First, it will come on any post, it will index that post and in the content it will get the internal link then it will land on that internal link and start crawling that too by this if it will be getting internal link in every post then it may index all the content of your blog. This was the first and most important benefit and second one is getting improvement in bounce rate. Internal linking can also improve your bounce rate and it also helps in increasing readership, Page views and Page Rank.
How To Improve Internal Linking?
So you've now understood the internal linking and now it's time to improve it in your blog. Basically, in internal linking you've to connect your all pages or posts to each other. There are some tips by which you can do this.
Adding Links In Content
This is the great tip that is being used by most of professional bloggers. You've to add the links on some words or phrases or sentences of your content. After writing the post, look on the words of your post and for example if I've wrote "Increase Backlinks" and previously I've discussed about increasing backlinks then add the link of that post on the text "Increase Backlinks". You should try to find many words and adding links on that. But don't repeat adding same links. You can also create the bullet list like "Recommended For You" with some links.
Recent Posts and Popular Posts Widgets
Second tip is that add the recent posts and popular posts widgets in your blog. These widgets shows the links of popular or recent posts that can also help in improving the internal linking. Add these widgets in the sidebar because on that places you've chances to increase the Page views.
Related Posts Widget
This the great widget which can improve the internal linking of your blog because every professional blogger is using this widget and it really helps. Add the related posts widget below every post which shows some related or recommended posts to the users of your blog.
Better Navigation Menu
Another thing is that, You've to build the good navigation menu in which all the categories will be added. Make sure these are not labels or tag pages and create another pages like our's SEO page for each category and add them in the navigation menu. This will make your blog easy to navigate and also help in internal linking.
Sitemap Page
This is another great idea which can improve internal linking of your blog. Create the sitemap page of your blog and it in the navigation menu. Sitemap page consist of the whole content of your blog which's links will be categorized there. From that sitemap page, your readers can pick any topic and grab that content and once the search engine's crawler reach on that page then you've chances of getting all the content indexed.
Final Words
Finally, You've understood the internal linking. Still not? Feel free to ask in the comments area. I hope this little post is gonna help you in understanding and improving the internal linking. If you've more ideas then please do share with us in comments because sharing is caring. Get in touch with us for more and also subscribe us. Take Care. Happy Search Engine Optimizing!
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