Friday, 28 June 2013

How To Get a Dofollow Backlink From Pinterest

Dofollow Backlink From Pinterest
We're continuously discussing about backlinks and last time we talked about increasing backlinks and understanding dofollow and nofollow links but now I'm going to share a fantastic trick by which you can get a dofollow backlink from Pinterest. Dofollow backlinks are having more value than nofollow, if you've read my previous post then you know it well. It is also important that those backlinks must have quality that can bring benefit to you. If you've hundreds of quality backlinks then you don't need to work on link building because these backlinks are enough for you but they must be quality means from high page rank sites and dofollow backlinks. You can easily get a quality dofollow backlink from Pinterest. Let me tell you something about if first.

Get Dofollow Backlink From Pinterest

Pinterest is a social networking website where people use to follow each other and they share their images (content) by pinning on the boards. Pinterest's users have to create the boards to set the better navigation and then they can pin the images in that boards. It also can be called the image site. Pinterest is offering a dofollow backlink to their users but they will need to verify their site on pinterest to get it otherwise it will be nofollow. So this is the great opportunity and we shouldn't miss this. Here are some reasons why you should verified your site on pinterest.
  • You will get dofollow backlink from Pinterest which is Google Page Rank 8 site.
  • It will show the full URL with verified icon in your profile.
  • Followers will be attention that they aren't wasting time on fake or useless board.

How To Verify Your Website On Pinterest?

So finally now it's time to verify your website in Pinterest. First you've to make an account on Pinterst, So go and create new one. If you've already an account then sign in. After signing in to your account then simply follow the below given steps.
  • Click on Your name with picture in the top right side and drop down menu will appear then go to Your Profile.
  • There you have to click the small "Pencil Icon" mentioned in the image below.
  • Now the Profile Setting will appear, There you can in the last that there is "Website" field. Just fill your site and press "Verify Website" Button.
  • Now here you will see the "Download Verification File" button. Download that file and upload it into your domain directory. And after that hit the "Complete Verification" button.
  • If you're using the blogger then you've to verify it through meta tag. Click "Verify with a meta tag" link the bottom, Copy the meta tag and paste it below <head> in your template. Finally, press the "Complete Verification" button.
  • So after choosing and processing on any verification method you've to click the "Complete Verification" button.
  • Congratulations! You've successfully verified your website in Pinterest. And You've also got the dofollow backlink.

Need Help?

Are you facing problem in verifying your website in Pinterest? Then feel free to ask the question in the comments area. How was the tutorial mates? I hope this was fine and it'd helped you. Keep visiting us for more and also subscribe us. Take a lot of care of you and your family. See You Soon!


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