Thursday, 27 June 2013

What are Dofollow and Nofollow Links - Beginners Guide

Dofollow and Nofollow
As we previously discussed about what are backlinks and how to increase them and now it's time to understand the nofollow and dofollow backlinks. These are the two hyperlink attributes which were introduced by Matts Cutts in the year of 2006 for enhancing the search engine optimization. As I told you in my previous article that increasing back-links can give us benefit in different things but you should try to build the quality back-links for your blog. Quality means those links must be from some high Page Rank sites and even if they are dofollow backlinks then it's enough good for you. And one thing I want to tell you that don't build huge back-links in a short time because Google Penguin can take it spam and your blog can be harmed by it. So friends let's begin understanding dofollow and nofollow links.

Dofollow Backlinks

That link which is having rel='dofollow' attribute or it is without any rel attribution then it is known as dofollow backlink. Dofollow backlinks are the need of every blogger because it helps a lot to the linked blog/site. Actually, when the search engine's crawler comes to the webpage for crawling and when it finds any dofollow link then it land on that page and also crawl that. That's why we're recommending you to boost your dofollow backlinks but slowly slowly not like a spammer.

Nofollow Backlinks

Those links which are having rel='nofollow' attribute are known as Nofollow backlinks.  Usually, all blogs are having this attribution in the comment area to be safe from bad links. Well, once again when search engine's crawler crawls the webpage and it comes to any link then it will check that it is dofollow or nofollow. If that is nofollow then it will ignore that link and will continue crawling other content but if that is dofollow then crawler will land on it.

How To Use Dofollow and Nofollow Links?

After gaining knowledge about these links now you may want to know that which is the safe way to use them. So you're going to add the link in your post, if that link is going outside of your blog then add the nofollow link. Even if you don't want to any page of your blog crawled by crawler then you can also prohibit the search engine's crawler by adding nofollow attribution. On other side, if that link is not going outside of your blog then you make it dofollow. 

Final Words

So friends this was the important information about backlinks which must know the newbie blogger or even a blogger. I hope this little post is going to help you out and if you need help then comment below. Keep visiting us for more and also subscribe us and subscription widget is available in the sidebar. Take a lot of care of you and your family. Cheers!


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