Have you concentrated on the today's post image? If no then see it. I think you're laughing now. Well, this is good to have fun with readers. So in the today's post we're going to discuss about some secret tips to be successful in driving huge traffic to the newly made blog. This will need some hard work and will bring a lot of traffic and benefits. Traffic is the important thing for every web page because without traffic it is nothing. The more visitors you will be getting is equal to the more earning and success in the career. You can build the traffic with different ways but below we're going to discuss some secret methods by which you can make your new blog getting huge traffic in just few days.
Build Your Content
This is one of the most important work that you've to build the content of your blog because your blog has no content then you will be getting zero visitors. You should post about two or three posts regularly or more. If you want the huge number of visitors then try to publish a lot of posts or content regularly. Your content must be original and it will not be copied from anywhere else.
Make Your Blog SEO Friendly
Another work is that you've to make your blog search engine or SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly. By this your blog will be easily indexed in search engines. To make your blog search engine friendly, you've to make some changes in your blog. Previously, we've discussed on this topic with detail. If you don't have read that post and then do it now. There are two posts in making your blog SEO Friendly which I've listed below.
Sitemap Submission To Search Engines
After building the content and making your blog search engine friendly, now it's time to submit the sitemap to search engines. Submitting sitemap means to send the all posts and pages to search engine for storing your whole blog in their store and when someone search anything on search engines then if that thing is available in your blog then search engines may bring that post or page in search results. Got it ? We're also discussed previously that how can we submit sitemaps to search engines. You can do this by following the below posts.
Guest Posting
After making your blog SEO friendly and submitting sitemaps to search engines, now you've to submit some guest posts on most popular blogs. Before submitting, make sure that they will give you one or two dofollow links with the author bio. And also check that the blog on which you're publishing guest posts is related or similar to your blog. By this you will get the dofollow backlinks with will help in increasing page rank and you will get traffic from that blog.
This is another popular tip that you've to comment on some popular blogs but make sure that those blogs are having CommentLuv or KeywordLuv commenting system because these systems allow us to add the last post link in that comment. So this will also help you in getting traffic from those popular blogs and also in building the back-links.
Social Promotion
This is the common tactic done by every blogger but if you still don't know this then let me tell you. You've to join some popular social sites like Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. After that on that sites you may be having some good number of friends or followers if you don't have then join some groups related to your blog on these social sites and share your posts there. Commonly, people are using Facebook so you must join some groups on Facebook and share your posts in these groups to get the traffic.
Advertise Your Blog
In this method, you will need to invest some bucks. You can advertise your blog on some popular sites like Facebook and even you can advertise your blog through Google AdWords. I'm recommending Google AdWords because this will show your blog ad on different sites and you'll be getting huge traffic.
Offer Giveaways
This is one of the best tactic to increase the visitors of newly made blog instantly. People love free stuff and they can do everything for it. In this method, You've to offer the giveaway and it can be anything in giveaway. The more expensive thing you'll give in giveaway then you'll get more traffic. You should use the PunchTab giveaway generator. Because in that generator, people will have to make the entries. They will like your Facebook page or follow you on Twitter to get the entries. The one who will be having the most entries will be chosen the winner.
Final Words
So friends these were some tactics which will help you in increasing the traffic of your newly made blog. The last tip which is offering giveaways real work because I've tried it previously and I gave BlogTapper.Com domain name and that giveaway is still in progress. I hope these tips are gonna help you and be in touch us for more. Also subscribe us mate! Take Care. Happy Blogging!
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