Saturday, 6 July 2013

Interview: Meet with Abdul Wali From OnlineUstaad

Interview With Abdul Wali
Previously, we've learnt many things about blogging here. We also shared some unique widgets which were newsletter email subscription widget, socializer widget, header subscription widget and many more. But today when I came to update the blog I thought why not should I post something different. I looked here and there and meet with the professional blogger of Pakistan. By the name, he is called Abdul Wali and here I'm going to share the short interview with him. Abdul Wali is the owner of where he makes the video tutorials in URDU language. He has been blogging since 2009 and has helped the Pakistani nation thousand times. So finally, here is the interview which I took and I hope the tips given by Abdul Wali brother are gonna help everyone here.


Q1: Warmly welcome at Blogger Yard Abdul Wali
Answer : Thanks for inviting me here and for interview.

Q2 : Please tell us something about you and your blogs?
Answer : I belong to Bajaur Agency the Tribal area of Pakistan, but mostly I lived in Peshawar, Lahore & Karachi, I�m not formally a higher educated person, but mostly I learned computer & internet courses from teachers, books & internet, I actually did short courses both of computer & English and I�m learning it since 2007.

Q3 : How you started your blogging career and which was your first blog?
Answer : I started blogging with In 2009 and my first blog was which is no longer accessible.

Q4 : From where you learnt all the knowledge about computing and blogging?
Answer : from teachers (in Institutes), from e-books and from internet.

Q5 : How much time did you spend in the beginning of blogging?
Answer : Probably, 12 hours a day. 

Q6 : Which are your online earning sources ? And if you don�t mind can you please share your monthly earning with us ?
Answers : Main sources are Services, Adsense & products. For monthly earning I�ll reveal it one day on my own blog, but this is not the perfect time to do so.

Q7 : How much time did you take to start earning monthly ?
Answer : After starting blogging I got my first payment from Adsense of $117 and something exactly after 5 months.

Q8 : Can you please tell us what skills are needed to become successful blogger?
in My opinion to become a blogger one needs to be consistent in reading articles, improving English, have basic skills of web designing, development & can update himself with the principles required for blogging. Learning new things everyday is must in order to become a good blogger, not pro LOL.

Q9 : Recently, Your blog was harmed by Blogger automated classification system, what are your thoughts about it and any tips for being safe from it ?
Answer : Yes, Blogger�s automated classification system is one of the weaknesses of blogger platform, and every pro-blogger or an average blogger advises not to use blogger as your main platform, I was not believing that, but now I believe that if you want to set up a mega blog/site then you must use WordPress or custom CMS for that, blogger is not the perfect solution. However, for newbies and free testing users it is still recommended to start with. 

Q10 : Newbie bloggers are always confused in choosing Blogger or WordPress! What are your suggestions and which one is best ?
Answer : First start with, learn things, test things, read more about WordPress on different blogs, and when you are familiar with WP then go for it. You can start your main/mega blog/site on WP and child blogs/sites on Blogger, because both are necessary to learn. 

Q11 : Now a days, Young students (less than 15 years) are starting the blogging career without any proper knowledge and they ignore the studies. What do you want to say for them? Is blogging appropriate for them?
Answer : Without proper knowledge & guidelines starting blogging is same like diving into a sea or river about which you don�t know how deeper it is, so I would say that for 15 years students starting blogging is not appropriate, and they should concentrate on their studies first, but after Matriculation, they can learn it and then start it. Study should be given the first priority. But there may be some genius kids who can learn things and can start in very small age, but those are very few means 1 to 5 in thousands.

Q12 : Google AdSense is too much strict now a days specially for Pakistani publishers. What are your thoughts about it and can you please recommend any other best alternative for me and our readers?
Answer : Yes it�s true, but this is all because of Pakistanis themselves, Pakistanis take the negative side of everything and do bad as far as they can. By the way, Adsense is still a good source for earning with your website but one must first understand it and then start with it. For Alternatives I�d say there are many Good alternatives to Adsense such as BuySellAds, Infolinks, PublicityClerk etc. But the important thing is not the alternatives or Adsense itself, the important thing is your website and its content, if you have a website with great/unique content and having thousands of visitors then earning with that is just like drinking water. But if your site is either illegal, copied or doesn�t have traffic then even Adsense is useless for you. 

Q13 : I�ve listened you�re going to start making tutorials on Learning complete English in urdu. So when you�re going to release that series and what is the purpose of it?
Answer : Yes, you heard right, learning English is necessary exactly as computer & internet are necessary, and there were not any tutorials on English in Urdu, therefore I decided to take this responsibility, the purpose will be to teach the Grammar & other mostly used components of English languages in Urdu, and the series will be for both beginners & GURUS. 

Q14 : What are your plans for future in blogging career?
Answer : There are some mega plans in my mind for future, but the most important and nearest one is to create a video sharing website same like YouTube, and I�d just let you know that Domain name for that has been purchased, VPS (Virtual Private Server) has been set up, Video sharing script has been installed and it will be soon announced on 

Q15 : Please give the descriptive message for our readers which can help them to be smart bloggers
Answer : The first thing to start blogging online is to measure yourself, if you find yourself to be fit in this field then start it, but if you don�t find yourself fit then kindly first easily learn all the necessary things & do hard work as much as you can, and then come back and start, because future is in your hand. Hard Work always pays back and that�s from my own experiment. One thing more, Always give respect to copyrights, never copy anyone�s work, respect those from whom you learnt at the first stages, so you�ll be respected back by yours. Always think positive and even take negative feedback as positive, that way you can increase your friends & fans. Don�t be jealous with anyone; instead make yourself unique in the world. Give equality to everyone living in this world regardless cast, ethics, religion & country, that way you�ll be an international man. 

Kind Regards.

Why I Interviewed This Guy?

I interviewed this guy because he has been teacher of me in blogging and I learnt many thing from him. That's why I did interview with him and the main thing that they are some hidden tips about blogging in this interview. So read the carefully and you'll get all those.

What's Next ?

Next time we will take interviews of some popular professional bloggers here and the most upcoming thing is that we've designed another widget for bloggers to make your blog look more beautiful. Tomorrow we'll release that widget. So, Be in touch with us and also share your views about the interview in comments below. Take Care!


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