Tuesday, 2 July 2013


How To Properly Offer Giveaways On Your Blog

How To Offer Giveaways On Blogs
Blogging is growing rapidly. Thousands of blogs are created daily to published the content online. One of the most important need for every blogger is traffic because only traffic with loyal readers will success them. There are tons of ways to boost the traffic of blog but today here we're going to learn that how can we properly offer giveaways on blogs. Offering giveaways is one of the best method to build the traffic because people love freebies or giveaways and we're going to take advantage from it with little investment. So first of all, let me tell you that how giveaways can boost our traffic and some benefits of it.

How This Works?

So you're going to offer giveaway for free to your readers and in return you'll be asking for a little social promotion. How social promotion? We've a widget which you'll need to implement in your post and ask your readers to use that widget. That widget will be having some social buttons like Facebook Like, Twitter Follow, Google+ Circle and many social buttons. Now your reader or visitor will have to follow you then that widget will give a entry to your each visitor on each action. By this, your readers will follow you on several sites to make huge entries and you've have to choose a one guy which is having most entries. All the procedure will be automatically generating by that widget or generator so you've to just sit back and keep eye on Google Analytics.

How This Will Boost Traffic ?

Offering giveaways will definitely boost the traffic of your blog but if you've doubt about it then let me clear it. In that giveaway generator or widget, the contestants will tweet on twitter, add to timeline on Facebook or they will act some other actions by which you'll blog's name will be spreading widely on the internet or social sites. When the contestant will complete all the procedure, he/she will be given a referral link to share it on multiple social sites and he/she will get an entry on each visit through that referral link. People will try their best to be the winner and they will do the social promotion for you to win the giveaway. 

How To Setup The Giveaway Post ?

So here you will need some hint to setup or make the giveaway post. First you've to write a good title of the best and implement the main post image in it. Then as usually, write the introduction of your post. After that write the detailed info about the giveaway which thing you're offering. And now it's time to write about the procedure of the giveaway that what the contestants have to do to win the giveaway and also write the rules and conditions on the giveaway. So in the last finally, embed the giveaway widget or generator and hit the publish button.

How To Create Giveaway Generator Or Widget?

So finally, now it's time to learn that how can we create the giveaway generator or widget. This is so easy just follow the simple steps below.
  • Go To PunchTab >> Create Account or Join It
  • Login To PunchTab >> Dashboard >> Giveaways
  • Click "New Giveaway"
  • Now Here You've To Setup The Generator.
  • Enter The Title Of Your Giveaway
  • Choose How Your Visitors Can Enter Into Giveaway. Facebook and Email Will Be Better.
  • Setup The Time From Where The Giveaway Will Start and Ending Time.
  • Enter The Name Of The Prize and Also Enter The Little Description. You Can Also Upload The Image.
  • Add The Options How Your Contestants Can Make The Entries.
  • Have a Look On The Giveaway Generator In The Right Sidebar
  • Now Click "Save Your Giveaway"
  • Once Again Click The "Save Your Giveaway"
  • Now Copy The Embed Code
  • Finally, Add That Code In Your Post and Your Giveaway Generator Is Ready.
  • That's All !

Need Help?

Which Giveaway are you going to offer to your readers ? One thing you should remember that offer that thing which is the need for your readers and also remember that it must be related to your blog and if it is cash then it doesn't matter. I hope this post gonna help you little bit in understanding that how bloggers offer giveaways. Any question ? Feel free to ask in comments. Get connected with us for more also subscribe us. Take Care. Cheers!


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