Comments are the essential thing for blogs which is needed by bloggers and webmaster because it shows the quality of content either it is better or not good and it depends on what readers have left in comments. There are several benefits of having good number of comments that the topic will rank higher in Google because having good comment will let Google know that there is something special in the post and rank it higher, you might know that comments are always indexed in Google if you've allowed otherwise by default comments are able to get indexed in Google considering as the main content of the webpage and when someone leaves comment to your blog it gets updated and also new comment get indexed in Google which let Google rank posts higher. Today, I'm going to share some killer tips to increase the comment on your blog.
1. Invite People To Comment
This is the first idea that you might already know and it still works perfect. You can invite some people on your blog to read the content and leave their views about that in comments. Sometimes when you share your blog post on some social networks then people leave comments on that post but not on your blog then just send a private message to them that instead of commenting here there on your blog will be best to comment. Some people don't even know how to comment so also give a little guideline to them about the method of commenting.
2. Reply To Comments
When you see that someone is commenting on your post then try to reply him no matter he has left only one word but response to all them. Sometimes people ask off-topic questions and some of them also post negative comments, you don't need to worry what people have left just try to face them. If someone is asking question then help him. When you see all happening in your most recent posts then you will see some gain in comments. The reason, readers will see that the author is making conversation to other readers and why they should not comment and ask the related questions on the topic and some of them also wanted to be your friend.
3. Bring Something New
Mostly people love the explore new thing related to any specific niche. And here in blogging, you can take benefit of it. Try to do the content research, that should be something unique which should be unheard and not seen on the web before. There are several benefits on bringing the most unique content on your blog and getting huge comments is also one of them. If you brought something special only 10 or more times then people will surely left comments because the content will attract them to comment. If someone totally becomes your fan then he will surely tell his friends, family and partners working with him in that niche that he found an amazing blog with awesome content and he will also invite them to visit your blog.
4. Add Comment Moderation To Old Posts Only
People mostly hate these comment moderation and captcha codes which annoys them. If you've a new blog and want to get good number of comments there then try to add comment moderation or captcha code to only old posts which should be one week old only. You might be thinking about the spam comments then you will need to manually check new comments and reply them, about the old posts comment, they will be having comment moderation which you can moderate. After enable moderation to only old posts, you've to inform your readers by adding a note at the bottom of the new post.
5. Reward Commentators
Rewarding commentators will surely work to get some comments because they will get something back in comments and there is no difficult work in just posting comments on blogs. If you're WP then there are some good plugins for you which can help to reward to commentators and also increasing comments. CommentLuv, Top Commentators and Top Commentators of the month or week. These are some known widgets and plugins which you can to reward commentators even if you give some little gift to the most commentator of the month then the chances are higher to get comments because everyone will try to comment and achieve the reward.
6. Make It Easy To Comment
You should make easy for readers to leave comments on the post like disabling comment moderation, captcha codes and sign in requirements. As I already mentioned about moderation and captcha above so I'm leaving them. If there are other problems which makes hard for a reader to comment then try to solve it as soon as possible. Sometimes, people can't sign in to comment because of having no account. So, try to enable guest commenting and also add the sign in with Facebook, Twitter and Google accounts option to let people comment through their social profiles.
Your Turn
Now, it's your turn to increase the comments. These was some useful ideas to boost up comment on your blog and I hope you've enjoyed reading it. If you've some other ideas then please share it with us below. Before increasing your own comments, please leave one comment below :D.
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