Sunday, 15 September 2013


How To Embed Google+ Posts In Blogger

Embed Google+ Posts in Blogger
Last time, we had shared a latest update in Blogger platform that was about automatically sharing Blogger posts on Google+ and today we're back with another news. Recently, A new feature has been introduced by Google for Google Plus and that is Embedding The Google Plus Posts. Google Plus has been the latest or newest social networking platform which raise up with huge speed in the internet world. It is being used by million of people and it is helpful for the webmasters specially in Google authorship markup and improving the appearing in Google search. Today we'll be discussing that how can we embed the Google+ posts in Blogger posts.

This latest feature has been announced recently which is specially helpful for webmasters who develop their own blogs, sites and forums or those who're in the web developing field. Google Plus posts can be embedded in any webpage but as our main topic is "Blogger" so we'll learn that how can we integrate Google+ posts in Blogger posts. Below is the live demo, keep an eye on it.

Embedded Google Plus - Live Demo

Integrate, Embed, Implement Google+ Posts In Blogger

You might know that webmasters make use of different coding languages to develop or create the each element of website so you might be thinking that we'll need to write our coding for this tutorial, if yes then you're totally wrong. Google has made it easiest to embed the posts inside webpages and you just need to copy the code and paste it. Here is the little easy tutorial which will help you regarding this.
  • Go to Google Plus and Login to your account.
  • Now find any post which you want embed or choose any post.
  • Hover the mouse cursor on the top right corner of the post and a down arrow will appear, Click it.
  • Now some options will appear after clicking that arrow, there will be "Embed Post" button. Click it.
  • Here the embed code will appear of that post, copy it and save it in notepad.
  • Now Go to Blogger >> Create New Post
  • Go To HTML Tab
  • Paste the code there.
  • Now edit or complete the post which you're about to post on your blog.
  • Click "Publish" button.
  • You're Done!

Last Words

So friends, This was the easy tutorials in which we learnt embedding the Google Plus in Blogger and it was really easiest for pros but mostly, newbies don't know it that's why we've published here. I'm sure you newbies will also become the pro in future. Now a days, I'm too much busy in college and also in some projects that's why I'm not posting regularly here and also not giving the unique ideas. I'm sorry for that and thanks for understanding. Take Care!


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