Saturday, 2 November 2013

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How To Insert Ad Slot Banner In Feedburner Emails With Blogger

Place Ad Slot In Feedburner Newsletter Emails
As we're continuously discussing about email subscribers, today I'm back with another post about it. Recently, I shared that how can we make money through email subscribers list and how to increase email subscribers. Today, we're going to learn that how can we insert the ad slot banner in Feedburner newsletter emails with Blogger. Yeah! It's all about make extra money with email subscribers as in my previous post, I had shared some effective ways to earn through subscribers and this part is also one of them. But, most of you guys might don't know that how can we show ad slots in newsletter emails so this tutorial is specially for them.

Earn Money By Putting Ad Banners In Newsletter Emails

If you have good number of email subscribers which can be between 5 to 10 thousand then you can earn handsome amount from it. It's not only important to have large subscribers but they also should be active in reading your updates which you send them. Well, This is the perfect and easiest method for earning bucks through subscribers. First of all, you need to promote this offer that you're offering ad banner space in newsletter email. You can create a separate page for it or put this in advertise page. Write the descriptive information about it so that people should be interested in buying the banner. Now, if you receive any order that someone wants to buy that banner then get the money and banner from it. Put the money in your pocket and the banner in the newsletter email. That banner can be displayed for 30 days or it can be more if you want. I've discussed more about this in my previous post, so this post is about inserting the banner in email newsletter. Let's get started for the tutorial.

Put Ad Banner In Feedburner Newsletter Emails With Blogger

Make sure that you're using Feedburner for sending updates to your subscribers and Blogger as your content management system. So, first you need to upload that image or banner anywhere to get it's URL. You can upload it in the post editor of blogger and get its URL. Follow the below simple steps now.
  • Go To Blogger >> Dashboard >> Settings >> Other
  • In the Site Feed section, There will be Post Feed Footer option.
  • Click on Add link and a box will appear like below image.
  • Copy the following code and paste it in that box.
<a href='URL OF THE ADVERTISER SITE' rel='nofollow' ><img src='BANNER IMAGE URL' /></a>
  • Replace URL OF THE ADVERTISE SITE with the link where the subscriber will go when he/she will click on the banner.
  • Replace BANNER IMAGE URL with the URL of the banner.
  • Click Save Changes button at the top right corner.
  • That's all.

Final Words

So friends, that's how we can insert the ad slot banner in feedburner email newsletter with blogger and earn bucks from it. Remember, you should not implement a lot of ads by which your subscribers can be irritated and it can be chance to get that subscribers unsubscribed to your blog so you also need to take care of your blog. Money comes second, first you've to treat your subscribers. And this is only for the educational propose, we're not responsible if you loose your subscribers by this. Take Care!


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