Monday, 23 December 2013

How To Change Title Of 404 Error Page in Blogger

Change Title Of 404 Error Page
As the internet is growing day by day, blogging platform is also getting height each day. Many new things have happened in this year with Blogger and also with those blogs which are hosted on like many new widgets are released such as Wikipedia Search widget, Contact Form widget etc. And there have also made some changes to Blogger design. That all proves that Blogger is turning into a professional platform with best features and functions. But a little thing which I've got which doesn't seem professional that there is no appropriate webpage title in the 404 error page of those blogs which are hosted on Blogger. So in this post, we'll show you that how you can change title of 404 error page in blogger.

Change Title Of 404 Error Page in Blogger

In order to be more professional and do proper SEO of our blog, we should take care of titles and heading importantly. 404 Error page is also a part of our blog and we should also take a look there. We've found that most of blogger blogs have not any appropriate webpage title in 404 error page and that can be due to poor coding for the title. Default and almost every custom blogger templates are not having this thing so it's important to do some tweak with the title of 404 error page. You don't need to worry much about this because we've come with solutions as we come always. In case, if you're not getting this point that many blogs are not having an appropriate webpage title for 404 error page, I've prepared the image and also attached it below which you can see to clear this issue.


Now if you got the point by seeing the above image then you should check yours 404 error page title and it is not correct or appropriate then change it now through the following tutorial. We've divided the tutorial into two parts one for default blogger templates and second for custom blogger templates. It will help you to understand the tutorial easier.

For Default Blogger Templates

  • Go To Blogger >> Template >> Edit HTML
  • Search For <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>
  • Replace It With The Following Code.
  • Save it!

For Custom Blogger Templates

  • Go To Blogger >> Template >> Edit HTML
  • Now Custom Templates Can Have Customized Title Coding Which Shows Post Titles First and Then Blog Title.
  • For Hint, It Can Be Like Below.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> <title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title> <b:else/> <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> </b:if>
  • Replace That Whole Code With The Following 404 Title Customized Coding.
  • Save it!

404 Page Title Customized Coding - Copy Paste Following Code

      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
        <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;error_page&quot;'>
          <data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/>
          Page Not Found | <data:blog.title/>
  • To Set Your Own Title, Make Changes With "Page Not Found".
  • That's it.

Final Words

So folks, that's how we can change title of 404 error page in blogger and everyone should change it now for being more professional. Hope this guide is going to be helpful for all. Getting any issue? Feel free to ask me in comments and also share your thoughts about this in comments section. Don't forget to share this post with your friends and take care. 


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