Tuesday, 3 December 2013


Secret Tip: Check Today's Traffic Stats in Google Analytics

Check Todays Traffic Stats in Google Analytics
No doubt, Google Analytics is one of the most best tool to check the accurate and real traffic stats of any website or blog because it's initial word "Google" proves that because Google is known as king of internet. Well, Analytics is being used by every webmaster, blogger to analyze the traffic of our blog. It is known as best tool because it provides the most premium features just for free. You can check anything in Analytics about your visitors like Geographical, Pageviews, Visitors, Traffic Sources, Paid or Free traffic and many more. Most of bloggers know this tool well but what we're going to discuss in today's topic? Today I'm going to show you guys that how can we check today's traffic stats in Google Analytics.
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This is the most asked question that how do we see the current day's traffic in Analytics but most of us, don't have proper answer for this. Most of people answer that there is no method for this that's why Real-time visitors in built. In other words, people usually suggest for Real-time section if someone ask that question but there is also problem with Real-Time visitors. Real-Time visitors allows us to know how much people are active on our site and other complete information about them like Geographical Location, On which page, From where they came and more but in real-time, we can't check how much visits we've got today till now, bounce rate of today's traffic only, traffic sources for today's traffic and much more that is not provided in real-time section. So for this, people mostly recommends to check the current day's stats next day. If you're interested to know the today's traffic stats in Google Analytics but not with real-time then have a look on the below tutorial.
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Check Today's Traffic Stats in Analytics - Not With Real-Time

There is nothing any big history behind this tutorial but it can be done with a few clicks and when you'll get it, you'll say "Oh My God!". Let's check today's traffic stats in Analytics without wasting a second.
  • Go To Google Analytics >> Login
  • Open Your Website Overview
  • In the right side of "Audience Overview" heading, you'll see dates like "From" "To".
  • Click that and something will appear like below.
  • Here you'll see "Date Range" drop down button first of all so click that and choose "Today".
  • After choosing "Today" just apply settings and you've done all.
  • Now, you'll be seeing only today's traffic in the audience overview.
  • However, you can see total visits, unique visitors, pageviews, bounce rate, new visits, organic traffic, keywords and much more for the current day just by going into other section from sidebar menu.
  • You can also see today's traffic by setting the current day's date manually.
  • That's All!

Final Words

So friends that's how we can easily check the today's traffic stats in Google Analytics. This is going to be helpful for those who want to have great track of traffic for their websites, bloggers and also for traffic lovers. I hope this little article is going to be helpful for every reader and if you're facing any issue regarding to the above tutorial then feel free to ask in comments below. Share your thoughts in comments and also share this with your friends. Take Care!


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