For choosing the perfect theme of our blog it's important to check several things like Layout Design, Responsiveness, SEO Friendly, Ad Spaces and many more but social media buttons are also now required while choosing theme. The reason is simple, Social buttons and plugins gives more benefit to our blog traffic and I think the reason everybody knows, when we've social buttons in blogs, everyone can easily share the post on his social profiles which means our blog post is spreading on the social networks and it also helps to obtain some extra traffic. Well, we can use these social buttons of any network and mostly you might have implemented Facebook, Twitter, Google+ buttons in your blog but ever thought about adding Reddit button in your blog? So, here in this post, I'm going to show you that how you can add Reddit button in your blog and also something about Reddit.
Why To Add Reddit Button in Blogger?
Reddit is a social bookmarking network where people can submit the special content's link there and those links are stored in the categories of Reddit. Now people come there to Reddit to enjoy the special content without wasting too much time in searching about that and those who've submitted links get high traffic to their websites. You can also submit your links in Reddit but doing it manually will be difficult as compared to submission through Reddit button. It's almost easiest to submit links with Reddit button that's why you may want to add reddit button in blogger. Other than this everyone can submit your links which is even better for you to drive more and more traffic.
How To Add Reddit Button in Blogger?
There are different type of Reddit buttons like submit link button, upvote and downvote button, button with points which we can add in our Blogger blog. So first you've to choose which button you want to add in your blog. Go To Reddit Buttons page and there will be all type buttons listed there. Just select any button, copy it's code and save it in notepad. There will be "View Code" option in the right side of every button to get it's code. Once you've choosed the button and saved it's code then follow the below steps.
- Go To Blogger >> Template >> Backup Your Template
- Click Edit HTML >> Find For <div class='post-footer'>
- Just Below <div class='post-footer'> Paste The Button Code Which You've saved in notepad.
- Click "Save Template".
Congratulations! You've successfully added the reddit button in your blog. Now it will appear below every post in your blog.
Final Words - "Happy New Year 2014"
That's how we can easily add reddit button in our blogger blog and I don't think it's difficult. It seems like the pleasing year of 2013 has gone away and we've entered into the another year 2014. Happy New Year 2014 to you all lovely friends from my side. Consider this little tutorial as a gift of new year and also share this gift with your friends. Happy Driving Traffic With Reddit!
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