Blogging has become one of the most popular and best method for making money online. As everyone wants to earn money online from a living room, many people reach to blogging and start their own blog. In my two years blogging career, I've learned that one who is completely new to blogging can't make successful blog because he don't have much knowledge about blogging. Blogging is just same like school classes, first newbies needs to learn whole blogging by attending three main classes, first making blog, second SEO to drive traffic and third to monetize that blog.
Well, The first and very important thing of blogging is choosing proper niche. Niche can also be called "Category" or "Type" of blog. I recommend everyone to choose perfect for your blog through reading out the points which will be discussed below. Due to wrong niches, many bloggers fail in their career, some lost their whole efforts in making content on wrong niche and some also give up their blogging career. So, let's discuss and find out your ideal niche.
Well, The first and very important thing of blogging is choosing proper niche. Niche can also be called "Category" or "Type" of blog. I recommend everyone to choose perfect for your blog through reading out the points which will be discussed below. Due to wrong niches, many bloggers fail in their career, some lost their whole efforts in making content on wrong niche and some also give up their blogging career. So, let's discuss and find out your ideal niche.
Several Type Of Niches
Before we get started, let me tell you some examples of niches because newbies might not be getting what I'm try to say. Look at the samples below.
- Technology Niche : In this type of niche, we need to write content about technology in which computers, laptops, tablets, iPads, Mobiles, games, apps, softwares comes.
- Blogging Niche : Here we do blogging about blogging. Means writing blogging guides as Blogger Yard has blogging niche. Here sub categories are Blogging Tips, SEO, Make Money, Affiliate Marketing and all related to blog.
- Health Niche : Here bloggers write articles about human health. This is most profitable niche which makes more money but also a tough niche for which you must be expert in living a healthy blog. A single mistake can make your reader dead.
- Cooking Niche : Are you an experienced cook? This can be your ideal niche as here you can easily write fantastic cooking tips that can generate money for you.
- Business, Sports, Social Media, News, World and many more.
Have You Expertise in Any Special Field?
Everyone in this world is blessed with any hidden expertise. Such as some people love to study, some love to do cooking, some love to play games while some are also interested in exploring tech in which mobiles, computers and other gadgets comes, Just look at yourself, what is that thing in which you're expert and you also do it regularly, whom you can live without. That can be your ideal niche. Having expertise in niche is important in order to serve the people better.
Can You Write Forever About That Niche?
Having expertise in any niche is not enough but there are also some points that you should have. Another point is that can you write forever about that niche? Look, we're making a blog which should also be successful, may exist at least 10 years and generate money forever or as long as it lives so you'll also need to update it regularly and for that having too many crazy content ideas about important. Get a notepad in your hand and start writing several content ideas about the niche in which you're expert. If you get 20+ content ideas at a single time than that can be your perfect niche.
Are People Searching For That Niche on Internet?
After having complete expertise and also too many content ideas in any niche, It's also important to know that are people interested in that niche? Are people searching for that niche on internet. If we start blog on any niche, put most quality content in it and people are not searching for it than the blog is useless. Remember, before writing about something try to do research that people are searching for it or not otherwise the work is useless as we'll not get any traffic or readers. You can use Google keyword planner to find out is that niche trending or not.
Is That Niche Worth Monetizing?
If you're blogging specially for making money that you must read this point carefully. There are some niches that makes little money and there are also some niches that make incredible money. So, before we start blog on any niche we must analyze the worth of that niche. There are many ways to find out worth of any niche. Some of them I've given below.
Find out any blog using Google which should have same niche and must be enough popular. Then look on what type of ads are being displayed there. If that blog is using BuySellAds than open that blog in BuySellAds and look at ad slot prices. High ad slot prices don't clear it but you should also look that are those ad slots being buy or not.
Secondly, you can analyze some keywords of that blog that drives the most traffic to that blog and save them in notepad or anywhere else. Then go to Keyword Planner and search each keyword one by one. There will be "Suggested Bid" column in which price will be listed for that keyword. If high price there is than niche is more profitable.
What's Your Ideal Blog Niche?
If there is any niche in any point which agrees all the above points than just get started in making blog on that niche as soon as possible and also be confident while blogging. Act like professional blogger, learn blogging regularly, work on blog regularly and touch the success in very less time. Any problem or question? Feel free to ask in comments below and also leave your views about this topic. Happy Blogging!
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