Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Top 3 Useful Programming Languages For Bloggers

As a blogger you must have come across a situation when you wish you some programming skills that could help in the growth of your �close to the heart� blog.  However, I am glad to let you know that there are some basic and essential programming languages which are sufficient for running your blog well. This post of mine will let you know whether you require coding skills for blogging, what languages you need to learn and how simple languages can add life to your blog.

Do you need Coding/Programming skills?

Before I start, let me tell you, that lack of coding or programming skills is not a thing to worry about. Blogging can be successful even without this. But yes, in order to add shine to your successfully running blog and building it for long run, learning new skills is always an advantage for anyone. So, if you put your hands on basics of HTML, PHP and CSS, it will become convenient for you in regular updates and online enhancements.

Do remember, that the best thing I like about blogging is that anyone can do it without any technical skills. So, even if you have not attained a course for these languages I mentioned, you will get ample tutorials on web to refine the skills. Many of you may believe that it is essential to earn web designing to become a creative blogger, but this is not true. You simply need to know what you are to write and share and more than half the battle is won. You must have good writing skills to put across your opinion and ideas. Your readers must be able to understand and learn from you. This is it!!

This is the reason that I am mentioning 3 useful and not essential programming languages to know as a blogger:

Basic Web Language: HTML

First and foremost you must learn HTML basics if you have really decided to learn programming with blogging. Although most of the content management systems or blogging platforms like WordPress, BlogSpot offer easy editors but a little insight into HTML will make it convenient for you. This is because the bloggers often come across problems in formatting while posting the write-up. Apart from this, when you want to place advertisements on your blog in widget form or theme, basic HTML codes will help you understand them well. This is the easiest of all coding languages. However, if you are yet to start, I suggest you to learn HTML5 instead of HTML.

Theme Oriented Language: CSS

CSS helps in editing of your blog theme. Small changes like change in color and others can be made to improve your blog. CSS can specially work the best if you have your blog on Wordpress. Although, let me be honest, even I have started browsing through the skills in CSS and CSS3 off late only.

The Troubleshooter: PHP

If you have a Wordpress blog, learning PHP will act as a boon for you. Several issues can be fixed by learning PHP. Well, I have not yet started with this language but recently I came to know through some of my software developer friends, that it will be a great thing to learn PHP as a blogger. This help in extending the features of your Wordpress blog. You will even learn Plugin extensions and even create one for yourself. Further you can even start earning by selling Plugins.

Some Other Good Ones & Helpful

  • Javascript is an addition to enhance your designing skills if you want to beautify your blog. This includes some extra skills which may not be beneficial in blogging but will help you in editing of videos and images.
  • Photoshop is another wonderful skill to learn for image editing. This will help you creating banners and personalized images.

Final Words

Well, after talking much about technical details for your blogging spree, I believe it is time to chill and show some better pictures of blogging and programming. All that I have mentioned above is no rocket science. You can simply learn these skills in a day or two. So, wait no more and start to work on enhancement of your blogging skills. If at any point of time, you feel that this is not cup of tea for you, DO NOT worry. This will not be a dead end. You can always hire people for the same if you are doing good in blogging.


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