Monday, 17 June 2013


Giveaway : BlogTapper.Com Domain Name For Free

As you know that is a Blogger resource blog which provides the resources, tips and tricks about Blogger and we've learnt many things here. And today we're going to do something different. Today I'm giving a domain name for free to my dear readers which is But It's totally difficult to decide to whom should I give the domain. Keeping this thing in eye, I've created the contest in which you all need to participate. After that the winner will be announced and he will be given the domain name. This is the special domain for those who are going to start an blogging niche blog. Below I've described some conditions of the giveaway which you must follow.

Giveaway Rules and Conditions

In order the win the domain, You will need to participate in the giveaway. You must be thinking what you will need to do. This is not a difficult work. You just need to follow some conditions and use the giveaway generator in which you will be asked for liking our fan page, follow us on twitter, subscribe by email and some little things. In each click you will get a entry so you've to make the more and more entries because the one who is having a lot of entries will be the winner. 

Required Things and Tips To Be Winner

  • You must have a namecheap account in order to get the domain because domain is hosted on if you don't have namecheap account then you can register it.
  • You must subscribe us by email which is most important. The one who is not subscribed us will not be the winner. (Don't Worry : We'll not spam. In case, you will receive blogging tips straight in your inbox from us)
  • Make a lot of entries using the below PunchTab giveaway generator because the one who is having high entries will be the winner. Tip : Get The Refferal Link From Giveaway Generator and Share it on your every social profile. You will get one entry for each visit.
  • Share you ideas and thoughts in the comments. You comments are always appreciated. If you have any question then you can ask it in comments.
  • Now go and make the entries !

Giveaway Generator

Note : Email subscription is must, So first subscribe us!


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