Now a days, the copying content is being common in the people because the number of content thieves is increasing rapidly. The dummy newbie bloggers are doing this unprofitable work instead of learning the real blogging. If you're also one of them then I recommend you to read out my previous article in which I described that why we should stop stealing content. By continuing the copyrighted content violation series, today we're going to discuss about it's second part which is about protecting the blog content from being stolen. Being a good blogger, everyone will face this situation that he/she may get their creative content stolen. Before I start the main part this post, first let me explain that why you should protect your content.
Copyrighted Content Violation Series
Part 2 : How To Protect Your Blog Content From Being Stolen?
Part 4 : How To Report an Online Complaint To DMCA Google? - Coming Soon!
Why You Should Protect Your Content? - Know Your Rights
It is very important for every blog owner to prevent his/her content from being copied. Because it loses the uniqueness, getting penalized by Google penguin and panda and getting low ranking in the search engines and in other algorithms. You've the full rights to your own content and you can do anything with your content which you want. If you're eager to know about your rights on content then I recommend you to read out the copyright law. Simply, If someone has copied your data then you can complain to the DMCA. Also use the following tips to make your content safe from copycats.
1# : Disable Right Click Function
The first tip is that if you're managing the blog which provides the text written content then should disable the mouse right click function in your blog. Because copycats do this : Selected the content, right clicked on the mouse, clicked copy and paste. So whenever the right click function will be disabled the copycat will be unable to copy your text content. For disabling right click function in your blog, you will need to implement the little JavaScript code in the <head> section. Follow this link to get the code and the procedure.
2# : Disable Text Selection
If you're running a blog which contains the text content then this is the greatest tip for you to disable the text selection in your blog. After doing this tactic, when someone will come to steal your text content then he will be unable to select the text because it will disabled. Unlike disabling right click because people can select the text and copy it with the help of the keyboard. Even, I recommend you to disabled both right click and text selection functions, because expert copycats can copy it from the inspect element and from viewing the page source. Here is the disable text selection code and tutorial for you.
3# : Show DMCA Copyrighted Content Banner In Your Blog
After disabling right click and text selection, now it's time to implement the DMCA copyrighted content banner on your blog. This banner indicates that the content is copyrighted and prohibits people to copy the content. Most of content thieves don't steal content from those websites or blogs which are showing the DMCA banner because they know that after stealing the data, they will complain to DMCA and we really should do this. For putting the banner in your blog, you will need to choose and copy the code of any banner from the DMCA official site and implement it in your blog.
4# : Terms Of Use : Tell Visitors To Don't Steal Content
This is also a great idea to tell the visitors to don't steal content through the terms of use page. You've to add the little passage in your terms of use page that the content which is providing in your blog is original and not copied from anywhere else. Republishing content is strictly prohibited and if we caught someone then he/she should be ready for the DMCA attack. Above I told the little message but you will need to explain it fully. This will help you even better in securing your content and it can also help in attacking the thief through the DMCA. I mean getting accepted by DMCA that you're the real owner.
5# : Send Short Email Feeds
This is another creative idea to prevent blog posts being copied. Do you have a lot of email subscribers ? May be! Email subscribers play vital role in blogging and the content thieves can take advantage of it. I recommend you to send short emails feeds because if you use to send full post content then copycats will easily get it. They will subscribe to you and will start receiving your content. There all the above given tips will not work because it is not your site, it will be any email service. So, you should send the short emails instead of full emails so that copycat may not get your full post. For sending short feed emails, Go To Blogger >> Settings >> Others >> Site Feed and there will be "Allow Feed" along with the options to send full, short or till jump break (read more) link. Simply, you've to choose short or if you use jump break link in your blog then use that.
6# : Get Google Authorship Markup
Google authorship is the latest trend in blogging and search engine optimization. By this, the people can easily know that who is the real owner or author of the copyrighted work. In other words, it will identify the copyrighted content to the real owner. This will also help the DMCA to understand that who is the original owner and in taking just decision by the DMCA about copying content case. If you've your own custom domain with the custom email of your domain then you can easily get the Google authorship just by following the simple steps here in the official Google Authorship page otherwise you will need to link your Google+ profile in your site with " rel='author' " attribute.
7# : Use Plagiarism Tools Weekly
There are a lot of tools on the web to find out the copies of your content in the whole web. Some of them are free and some premium with advanced features. I don't think you will need to get any premium tool but I recommend to use free tools to find out copycats of your blog. Copyscape, Plagiarism Duplichker and PlagSpotter are the most popular tools. I also use them to catch the thieves and we should use it weekly to get updated that any copy of our content is published or not. Simply, After getting any thief you've to complain DMCA. In the next parts, I will discuss about finding the copycats and also about how can complain to the DMCA.
8# : Complain DMCA
DMCA is a copyright protection company which helps us in getting rid from the copiers of our website content. If you're using then there is a good news for you that Google has an own DMCA for its own products like Blogger, YouTube and Adsense. We can easily complain to DMCA for copyright content on any of the Google's products. If the copied content is from any of the Google's products then it will be deleted upon the review otherwise it will be removed from the search engines. In the upcoming part of our series, I will explain step by step on how can we complain to Blogger DMCA.
Road Blocked For Copycats!
You guys have now finally blocked the road for copycats! I don't think there is now any other way to steal the content of websites. These are the effective tips that will help you in preventing your blog content from being copied. If you've any other tips then please do share with us in the comments. We're eager to hear from you so please give your views in the comments. Take a lot of care of you and your family. Cheers!
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